Thursday, September 11, 2008


Ok im sorry my entries have been so miniscule as off now im new to blogging ive never had one but this topic ive been really excited about.. actually its really the only thing ive been doing all week. I almost completely tuned out all other school work. Sorry shannon but its true I am also a studio minor and this kind of hands on work with film is soo interesting to me. Getting my hands dirty playin g with bleach cutting out magazines and splattering paint and oil all over my house has been the highlight of my college experience. Lucky i live with my partner so we can fuck up out house as a unit. Our living room looked like a bomb went off in a third grade art class .. minus the bleach i keep finding pieces of tape in the carpet and bit of magazines in the carpet but its completely worth it. Learning that i could mask of piece of film and bleach the entire rest of clear was awesome .. besides the purple stains we have all over our kitchen now as well as the numerous toxins ive taken in through my skin.. fuck it .. it for the good of the film. I was away for the weekend and i came bac k to see Dylan had already done two strips of magazine transfer and they were pinned to our wall i had barely un packed my car before i had magazines and tape in front of me trying to fines red yellows and oranges to create my fire section. the colors were a simple way to represent the word fire but what other ways could i do this burning paper.. flammable labels? these ideas have all gone through my head testing some out some still up there waiting to be release some how. I actually took a black and white photography class this summer and had about 50 negatives of a bone fire i built for a project that have disappeared in my house and now im kicking myself for being soo unorganized. Ps shot gun any off these ideas if anyone reads my blog and steals them then ur a fake and as bad the script stealers in hollywood u communist. i fire myself sticking tape to everything that has any ink on it to see how well i can transfer it. I had actually be introduced to this process freshman year while watching a roommate make fake Id's. He would scratch out the last digit on a drivers license and print out a small number off the computer and stick it to packing tape then rub hot water or saliva on the back of the paper to take the pulp off. I realized a day after andre showed us this process thats where i had seen it before. oh the circle of life.well in conclusion i hope everyone trembles in the wake of our film.... or at least we do something no ones else has done and hopefully dont make the projector explode but who knows maybe thats what im trying to do for fire youll never know till the day of our film that could be the culmination. C4 taped to the film strip think about it

1 comment:

Six X. One said...

actually, making fake ids is assignment 4 - well, not really. nice blog post. can't wait to see your film. we only need to get it through the projector, once, so if the projector does explode, at least we'll have some of the film on video tape (perhaps in all senses of the phrase).